Will Percy It's Time to Stop Doing Appraisal Let’s face it, traditional forms of lesson observations and evaluation are often done ‘to’ and not ‘with’ educators. This creates a feeling of disconnection from the school, with untimely feedback, di... Oct 23, 2023
Will Percy What is an Intervetion? When a school creates a culture focused on collective responsibility for student learning, ensures that every educator is part of a high-performing team, identifies the essentials standards that all s... Aug 10, 2023
Will Percy Education For All The National Association of State Directors of Special Education published a list of eleven RTI myths in 2006. This publication reinforces an important point—RTI is the responsibility of both general ... Aug 10, 2023
Will Percy Ensuring Successful Collaboration At its core, RTI is about creating a collective response when students need additional support, rather than leaving this response up to each individual teacher. This process is predicated on the staff... Aug 10, 2023
Will Percy Early Intervention “ We can succeed only by concert. It is not ‘can any of us imagine better?’ but, ‘can we all do better?’ The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high w... Aug 10, 2023