Supporting every student can be hard. It doesn’t have to be.
Intervention Compass helps educators work smarter, not harder, to make students more successful.
The Intervention Compass Advantage
Christian Education And Leadership.
As Christian leaders, if our character is shaped by anything other than the heart of Jesus, then we betray those who we are called to lead. Paul writes to the church in Colossae and says, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Col. 3:17).
In the world of education, and in the church generally, there is a lack of biblical based teaching that addresses the nature of Christ centered leadership and its application to the real world. Therefore, ‘buy in’ is automatically given to power-driven leadership styles that are driven by worldly values instead of Christ centered leadership values. This threatens the growth of our schools and the church generally.
The leadership style that Jesus exemplified was not about power or control; it was about building character and self-worth. In our professional and personal lives, we have need of inspirational Christ centered leaders who play a meaningful role in our learning, inspiring us to turn our ‘ordinary’ into ‘extraordinary’. Like Jesus, these leaders should encourage us not just to embrace our faith, but to embrace all that God created us to be in our professional and personal lives. When we struggle to realize our full potential, these individuals speak life into us and inspire us to walk with integrity in unfettered authenticity. The potency of their words resonates in our spirits and opens our hearts and minds to the wonders of Christ centered leadership.
The absence of clearly defined Christ centered leadership models for our schools is often damaging to our school communities as we cling to power-driven leadership approaches that damage the spirit of those that use them and to those who suffer under such leadership. The absence of a clear framework also severely impedes the identification and development of those with the talents to lead as Christ centered leaders as they are often overlooked for those who have the skills and desires associated with power-driven leadership styles.
Servant leadership, first proposed in secular business schools by Robert Greenleaf in the early 70s, resonates strongly with biblical teachings generally and more specifically with biblical accounts of how Jesus lived and led. Therefore, we propose that, servant leadership a strong foundation for a model of Christ centered leadership.
Jesus’ life revolved around support for his disciples and followers. Not only did he personally support his followers, but he taught them to support each other as well. Jesus models for us in the story below that we must be there to support our coachees. Even when we feel we do not have the tools, skills or strength to be supportive, we must remember the foundational skills of coaching and remember that we are there to support the coachee in developing their own solutions, not create the solutions for them. If we keep faith in these skills taught by Jesus, we can be confident in our support of others, even when it feels impossible, like feeding the multitudes with only a few fish and loaves of bread.
TeamOptix puts a large focus on non-directive coaching but understands that, in certain instances, a directive approach can/should be used. Jesus embodied the various skills that make non-directive coaches successful: listening, questioning, playback and challenge.
The belief that everyone has the answer within them and that coaching skills like listening, questioning and playback can help raise awareness and allow them to find solutions to their own problems is very similar to the idea that the Holy Spirit is in all of us and through prayer and reflection, the answers we seek will be revealed.
The Intervention Compass Blog
What Is An Intervention?
When a school creates a culture focused on collective responsibility for student learning, ensures that every educator is part of a high-performing team, identifies the essentials standards.... Read More Here
Education For All.
The National Association of State Directors of Special Education published a list of eleven RTI myths in 2006. This publication reinforces an important point—RTI is the responsibility of both general and... Read More Here
Ensuring Successful Collaboration.
At its core, RTI is about creating a collective response when students need additional support, rather than... Read More Here
Early Intervention
We’re at risk of missing a golden opportunity. While the challenges are great, new, and evolving, the power of collaboration (of acting in concert) and thinking and acting differently is creating successes... Read More Here
Explore how TeamOptix and Intervention Compass transformed culture at KDS.