Supporting every student can be hard. It doesn’t have to be.
Intervention Compass helps educators work smarter, not harder, to make students more successful.
Supporting every student can be hard. It doesn’t have to be.
Data-driven decision making. For all.
Data Integration
No more chasing spreadsheets. Your data in real-time, all the time.
Communication Hub
Empowers educators with collaboration tools to generate actionable discussion.
Streamlined Support Referals
Custom forms and processes flow seamlessly, providing timely support.
Easy Progress Monitoring
Direct data entry provides a consistent feedback loop.
Intervention Library
Timely support with research-based interventions and best practices.
Early Warning Reporting
No students fall between the cracks with tailor-made triggers.
Band-aid solutions like spreadsheets and isolated or “organic” processes only go so far. They don’t address the entire ecosystem and what makes a school and all its ecosystem truly effective.
At Intervention Compass, we are driven by one essential, radical idea:
Every student and every educator deserve to be happy at school. Every. Single. One.
From school leaders to the classroom. From Kindergarten to college and beyond.
And the simple truth is this: successful students make for happy parents.
The real question is how. How can we foster success everyday? And how can we do it for everyone?
Band-aid solutions like spreadsheets and isolated or “organic” processes only go so far. They don’t address the entire ecosystem and what makes a school and all its components truly effective.
The only way to genuinely address waning student achievement and educator exhaustion is to redefine the processes that bog down our districts. This is why we developed Intervention Compass.
By listening to our customers, we custom-built an action-driven platform that delivers simplified and streamlined practices for student support and interventions (MTSS, RTI, SEL, PBIS). It’s a beautiful blend of data, positive collaboration, and refined district practices that allows teams to improve outcomes and bring greater joy to their students without having to reinvent the wheel every new semester.
School leaders have harnessed focus and insight. They are empowered as positive and proactive problem solvers. Classroom and student support staff find themselves feeling less stressed, more productive and the results show it. And the best part? Our future generations receive the greatest benefit: higher achievement.
The Intervention Compass Blog

What Is An Intervention?
When a school creates a culture focused on collective responsibility for student learning, ensures that every educator is part of a high-performing team, identifies the essentials standards.... Read More Here

Education For All.
The National Association of State Directors of Special Education published a list of eleven RTI myths in 2006. This publication reinforces an important point—RTI is the responsibility of both general and... Read More Here

Ensuring Successful Collaboration.
At its core, RTI is about creating a collective response when students need additional support, rather than... Read More Here

Early Intervention.
We’re at risk of missing a golden opportunity. While the challenges are great, new, and evolving, the power of collaboration (of acting in concert) and thinking and acting differently is creating successes... Read More Here
Explore how TeamOptix and Intervention Compass transformed culture at KDS.